The purpose of this blog is to help keep our family and friends updated with the happenings of our life. We hope this will help everyone feel more connected, as well as closer to us, despite distance.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Party of a Lifetime

Before I start-sorry for the random gaps.  Not sure what happened, but not worried enough to try and fix it.  Enjoy!!!

I am NOT exaggerating when I say Party of a Lifetime.  Phoenix will NEVER have another party.  This one did me in.  A day later and I can barely walk.  My legs are swollen.  My body is tired.  My money is spent.  I am DONE.

With that being said, the party was fantastic.  Phoenix is a very loved kid and it was very clear by all his family and friends who came to celebrate and the thoughtful gifts they showered him with.  He did soo well hanging out and playing with his friends despite the hot weather.

Without further ado-please enjoy the pictures.  They will be treasured in my heart forever.  It was definitely a special day.  And I must admit-it was worth every pain, last minute adjusting, money, etc.  I wouldn't have changed anything about the party.

Prep Work/Play






Partyin' it Up


Photo Shoot





Party Favors

















Sorry for ALL the pictures! I LOVE them all soo much, it was even hard to narrow it down to just these.  We all had a blast and are very blessed with such wonderful family and friends.  It was definitely a Party of a Lifetime!  Happy, happy 1st Birthday Buttah.  Mama and Dada love you soo much.  As always, May God Bless You to the Moon and Back.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the smash cake pictures!! Looks like a fabulous first birthday party! Happy Birthday Phoenix!
