The purpose of this blog is to help keep our family and friends updated with the happenings of our life. We hope this will help everyone feel more connected, as well as closer to us, despite distance.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Slave Driver

I've been told numerous times that I am way too hard on kids, especially my own.  I don't necessarily find this to be the case.  I want, and think, children should know what is expected of them and if that makes me tough, then so be it.  I like to think of it as building a strong foundation.

Everyday Phoenix and I do Learning Lessons.  Yes, I am well aware he isn't even 9 months old yet.  However, I don't think its ever too early to start laying the groundwork to the afore mentioned foundation.  Our Learning Lessons include a variety of activities all geared around learning.  We focus on a concept for about 2 weeks before moving on to something new.

We have computer time.  This normally involves the Phonics Song and a Very Merry Shahid Christmas.  He loves being on the computer and this is a great way to start introducing him to the concept.

We do math.  Really we just work on our numbers.  We are currently focused on How Old is Phoenix.  ONE (holding up 1 finger).  We will probably continue this until he masters it or his first birthday.  Whichever comes first.

We combine story time and foreign language into one.  Phoenix isn't too fond of sitting still to listen to me read to him.  He only does that for story time at the library and whole foods.  However, we have time in his room everyday where he plays on the floor while I read to him.  The books are always stories in Spanish. We are currently reading Barney's Dulces Suenos.

We also do language.  This again incorporates the Phonics Song, but where I am singing it to him and he focuses on my mouth, trying to figure out the sounds for himself.

Etiquette course is also incorporated.  We always wipe our mouth like a gentleman.  Manners, such as excuse me, thank you, yes sir/maam, etc. are also focused upon.

We have music time where we bang the tublah with a spoon and create lots of different noises.

And don't worry-we also have recess where he can do anything he wants (within the foundation of course).

P.E. is also very important in our Learning Lessons.  Phoenix comes from a dada and mama who were both college athletes, so we have big expectations for him!  We are working on catching a ball being thrown to him.  We are also working on standing alone.  On the count of 3, I let go.

Every afternoon, around 4:30 or so, we go sit on the front porch or in the front yard.  There is always some sort of practice, either soccer or lacrosse, going on.  This is when we work on our colors.  We name the color of each car that passes by.

We haven't started history yet and I'm sure we've left some other very important subjects out as well.  He is only 9 months old, afterall!!!!  I really think he enjoys his Learning Lessons and they are definitely building a sense of routine and structure for him.  I would love to homeschool him when the time comes, but I know that is out of the question.  So, in the meantime, I'll enjoy our Learning Lessons time that we have together.

He recently informed me (see picture below) that he was ready to incorporate art into our curriculum.  Looks like we will be painting, coloring,  and drawing a lot sooner than I thought!

What a studious little fellow we have on our hands!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How An Almost 9 Month Old Celebrates...

Spring Break 2012:

Monday:  We spent Monday at the zoo.  My sister Marie and I planned on meeting there after Suki's therapy.  Jennifer and 2 of her kids ended up coming too, as well as, Tracey and 2 of her girls.  It was soo nice spending the day outside with cousins.

Tuesday: We went over to my sisters.  Even though Phoenix wasn't too fond of the splash pad at the zoo, I know he really loves the water.  Since her pool is heated, I figured it be much more like a bath to him than anything.  It was his first time in a pool.  We swam, had lunch and just spent good quality time together.  It was a really nice day.  That evening we met my mom at another cousins house.  It was nice catching up with all the old ladies.  :)

Wednesday:  We went over to another cousin's house for a playdate.  My sister, nieces and Jennifer and her kiddos were also there.  It is always nice when 4 adults-whom are also cousins and friends-can spend time catching up while the kids play together all day long.  Wednesday night, the 3 oldest of the nieces came over for a spend the night party.  Jennifer and her family also came over for dinner, rides on the 4 wheeler, and the roasting of smores.  It was a blast.  Jason and I love having the girls over to spend the night and wish we were able to do it more often.  We truly do love all 5 of those girls like they are our own. Phoenix got to rid on the 4 wheeler for the first time today.  Aunt Jenn Jenn also gave him his first bath in the sink tonight.  He loved it!!!

Thursday:  This is the first day of Spring Break where we didn't have any plans.  Hallelujah!!!  Don't get me wrong, its been soo great hanging out with all my friends/cousins/sister and all the kiddos (since they are normally all in school), but it is a completely new lifestyle for Phoenix and I.  We aren't use to being gone all day, every day.  The girls were here in the morning.  We enjoyed breakfast from the Muffin Man (Magic Muffin), watched a movie, played games, colored, had a snack, then ate some more all before 11:00 a. m.  Oh-and started watching a second movie!  It was a busy, but fun morning.  Once they left, Phoenix and I kept a real low profile the rest of the day.  The rain freaks Sister Sister out, so she actually enjoyed Phoenix climbing all over her this afternoon.  Rain also meant that DaDa was going to be home a bit earlier than normal-woo hoo!!!!  We L O V E extra DaDa time!!!

Friday:  We had plans with a friend of ours, who is also a story time buddy, to go to the zoo.  We were going to meet my cousin/like a sister to me there with her 4 kiddos.  She has the most precious children around, especially #4, my Goddaughter!!! I definitely don't see them as much as I'd like, so I was truly looking forward to this outing.  However, the weather had other ideas.  It has been storming since last night.  Therefore, we are spending the last day of Spring Break in our pajamas doing absolutely nothing productive!!!  This actually worked out rather good for us, as I woke up that morning feeling not soo hot.  By the end of the day, I had no energy and felt completely awful.  Strep it was.  Thankfully, Jason had pity on me, although I think it was more on Phoenix, and came home a little earlier to help out.  I was ever so grateful for him.  What a way to end Spring Break.  Fingers crossed, Phoenix doesn't get it.  Needless to say, the camera didn't make an appearance today :(

On a side note-Phoenix will be 9 months old on Thursday.  I swear I just wrote his 8 month post yesterday.  We go to the doctor the following Monday, so I'll update his stats, progression, etc. then.  He has also moved up to a size 4 in diapers.  His little teezo is finally getting some meat on it!!!  His allergies have been acting up for about a week or so now, but there really is nothing the doctor recommends giving him.  Therefore, we just deal with a watery, gunky eye (its his right eye only) since he loves being outside soo much!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tag Alongs

Last Wednesday we tagged along on my Goddaughter/niece's field trip with her class to the zoo.  We just love her soo much and she takes such great care of Phoenix!  It was a beautiful day, with the exception of a little rain.  Phoenix was more interested in the animals this time and the larkeets exhibit was open, so of course I HAD to take him in to feed the birds.

It was a great field trip.  Here are a few memories that my sister was able to capture.  They are probably some of my most favorite pictures to date of my sweet, sweet, sweet ray of sunshine!  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy to Report

Phoenix is going on a week and a half without an ear infection.  He is still pulling at them, but I think it might just be out of habit.  I pray.

Phoenix also went from the laying down position to the sit position and even to the standing position all on his own (holding onto something, that is) today!  It feels like he is growing up more and more each day.

He even got his first curl!  I pray it was a fluke!

Now, whenever he does something good, he claps-and it really makes a clapping sound!

He is so very social.  I love it.  We had a play date with some of my college girlfriends the other day and he was just as happy and outgoing as ever.  Grocery shopping seems to take twice as long because he smiles at everyone, and that in returns, requires a full conversation from the other party.

He also went to work with DaDa for the first time yesterday.  We were having friends over for dinner and I desperately needed to get things done at the house.  Jason had a work meeting and a meeting for some friends of ours who needed his expertise.  He graciously offered to take Phoenix with him.  It was the first time in over 8 months that I've been home alone.  It was quiet and nice, but I realized most of my time was spent looking out the window for Jason's truck.

I am happy to report things are going beyond well over in the Land of the Langs.