Knowing they weren't going to make it, I contacted a family from church with 2 small boys. I thought they would enjoy and I didn't want the tickets to go to waste. After they said they were interested, I contacted Alabama Baby & Child Magazine to let them know the situation. They transferred the tickets to their name. I was happy for them, but sad for my boys.
The same Magazine posted a discount code for the circus. I thanked them, knowing we'd be taking Phoenix this year. He had already been talking about it and was super excited. They remembered me. They remembered my situation. They outdid themselves by offering us tickets to the circus. It was a very kind gesture and above their duty. I was very grateful to them.
I was told our tickets were for the Saturday show at 7:00. A bit later than I would've liked, but I wasn't complaining. I promise you that. As the day drew close, Phoenix talked non stop about the clowns, elephants, cah-cah candy (cotton candy), cahcorn (popcorn) and sno-cone.
He was soo very excited. Jason and I were too. After the concussion a week before and staying home all week trying to get him back to 100%, he definitely deserved this.
Tata came and stayed with Sissy. I put her down for a "nap" before we left around 5:00. Thankfully, she never woke!!!!
We got there around 5:15 and quickly got in line (that was already out the door). I had to go about a block or so to get our tickets from will call. I ran the whole way there and the whole way back. I didn't want to miss one minute of this experience for Phoenix.
The doors finally opened. The lady scanned our tickets. They were for Sunday, not Saturday. Are you kidding me???? I quickly went into panic mode. I spoke to the kind man at Will Call (the one right there at the entrance). He did everything he could to get them to change the tickets. To no luck of course.
All the while, Jason took P in and got a sno cone, just in case we had to leave. After talking to Jason, there was no way we were leaving. Phoenix was too excited and there was NO way we were going to tell him he couldn't see the circus. We were not about to break our kid's heart. Not after his excitement for almost a month.
So, we bought tickets. We quickly made our way down to see the clowns before the show since it was about to start at this point.
I sent Alabama Baby & Child Magazine an email informing them of the mix up. They were super kind in offering to repay me for our tickets. This company has far surpassed any and all standards in my book. If you haven't liked their FB page, do it. You won't regret it. I promise. They are Fabulous!!!
We then found our seats and enjoyed cahcorn, cah-cah candy, a light up sword and a Beer!
So although the evening was a bit chaotic, it was definitely the kind of chaos I never want to stray from!!!! Soo thankful for memories like this that will last us all a lifetime!!!!
I am also very excited to say that the Sunday tickets didn't go to waste. My dear friend Kissa and her boys were able to enjoy the circus too! They'd NEVER been, so I was happy they were able to share in the circus memory making as well!!!!
On a side note-we have been spending A LOT of time at the house, just hanging around trying to get P over this concussion situation.