The purpose of this blog is to help keep our family and friends updated with the happenings of our life. We hope this will help everyone feel more connected, as well as closer to us, despite distance.

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Good Kind of Chaos!

A month or so ago, I won tickets via FB to the Monster Jam.  I was soo excited about the boys going since last years trip didn't pan out because of Dixie.  As luck would have it, P started running a fever the day before.  I mean, a 104 fever, so I knew he wouldn't be okay to go.  I was super sad :(.  Jason had looked forward to taking him since last year.  He was excited for Father/Son bonding over BIG Trucks!!!!

Knowing they weren't going to make it, I contacted a family from church with 2 small boys.  I thought they would enjoy and I didn't want the tickets to go to waste.  After they said they were interested, I contacted Alabama Baby & Child Magazine to let them know the situation.  They transferred the tickets to their name.  I was happy for them, but sad for my boys.

The same Magazine posted a discount code for the circus.  I thanked them, knowing we'd be taking Phoenix this year.  He had already been talking about it and was super excited.  They remembered me. They remembered my situation.  They outdid themselves by offering us tickets to the circus.  It was a very kind gesture and above their duty.  I was very grateful to them.

I was told our tickets were for the Saturday show at 7:00.  A bit later than I would've liked, but I wasn't complaining.  I promise you that.  As the day drew close, Phoenix talked non stop about the clowns, elephants, cah-cah candy (cotton candy), cahcorn (popcorn) and sno-cone.

He was soo very excited.  Jason and I were too.  After the concussion a week before and staying home all week trying to get him back to 100%, he definitely deserved this.

Tata came and stayed with Sissy.  I put her down for a "nap" before we left around 5:00.  Thankfully, she never woke!!!!

We got there around 5:15 and quickly got in line (that was already out the door).  I had to go about a block or so to get our tickets from will call.  I ran the whole way there and the whole way back.  I didn't want to miss one minute of this experience for Phoenix.

The doors finally opened.  The lady scanned our tickets.  They were for Sunday, not Saturday.  Are you kidding me????  I quickly went into panic mode.  I spoke to the kind man at Will Call (the one right there at the entrance).  He did everything he could to get them to change the tickets.  To no luck of course.

All the while, Jason took P in and got a sno cone, just in case we had to leave.  After talking to Jason, there was no way we were leaving.  Phoenix was too excited and there was NO way we were going to tell him he couldn't see the circus.  We were not about to break our kid's heart.  Not after his excitement for almost a month.

So, we bought tickets.  We quickly made our way down to see the clowns before the show since it was about to start at this point.

I sent Alabama Baby & Child Magazine an email informing them of the mix up.  They were super kind in offering to repay me for our tickets.  This company has far surpassed any and all standards in my book.  If you haven't liked their FB page, do it.  You won't regret it.  I promise.  They are Fabulous!!!

We then found our seats and enjoyed cahcorn, cah-cah candy, a light up sword and a Beer!

So although the evening was a bit chaotic, it was definitely the kind of chaos I never want to stray from!!!!  Soo thankful for memories like this that will last us all a lifetime!!!!

I am also very excited to say that the Sunday tickets didn't go to waste.  My dear friend Kissa and her boys were able to enjoy the circus too!  They'd NEVER been, so I was happy they were able to share in the circus memory making as well!!!!

On a side note-we have been spending A LOT of time at the house, just hanging around trying to get P over this concussion situation.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For our Piece of Mind

Sunday morning started off great.  We were all up early and enjoyed some family time.  We got ready and headed out the door for church.

Jason was already at the car putting Luna in.  Phoenix and I were right behind.

We were on the porch together.  I turned around to close the front door.

I hear a scream.  Turn around and Phoenix is barrel rolling down the brick steps.

I dropped everything in my hands, ran down the steps and yelled for Jason.

He hadn't even had time to secure Luna in.  He left her and came running.

He grabbed Phoenix up and told me to go check on Luna.  So I did.

I grabbed her and ran back to the house.

Phoenix was crying.  Jason was checking every inch of his body.  He kept saying his head and his hand hurt.

He had a small scratch on his hand.  His head, well it had a bulge the size of a nickel that was completely purple.

I immediately called his doctor.  They suggested taking him to the hospital to get looked at.

We left.  Phoenix was no longer crying.  He kept telling us he wanted to go to Jesus' House.

He quickly started zoning out.  I kept talking to him, trying my best to keep him awake.  It wasn't working.

We instead headed to the fire department, since it was only a mile or so away.  At this point, he was acting totally fine.  He knew all the answers to the questions we asked him and was excited to see the fire engine up close and personal.

We left there being told he should be fine but to monitor him.

He was still asking to go to church, so we headed that way.  He did great at church.

We went downstairs afterwards for a brunch.  BAD decision on our part.

Long story short-he got pushed straight down backwards and his head went crashing to the floor.  He now had another huge knot on the back of his head.

We left immediately.

We woke him up every 30 minutes during nap.  He seemed okay that afternoon, just a little "wobbly."  We woke him every 2 hours roughly that night as well.

Monday he seemed fine.  A little dazed every now and then but okay.  His bump was feeling better too and he said he wasn't hurting.

Monday night during baths, his bump felt really odd to me.  I had Jason feel too.  We decided I'd take him to the doctor on Tuesday.  For our peace of mind, if nothing else.

Tuesday morning it was almost totally gone.  After talking to Phoenix and discussing it with Jason, we decided to hold off on the doctor.  It was almost fully gone and Phoenix seemed a ton better.

We got in the car, heading towards Montevallo to visit Uncle Sammy.  Phoenix told me his head hurt more and he needed to go to the doctor.  That was all I needed.

We turned around and called the doctor.  Our appointment was at 11:15.  We went. We WAITED.  After being there over an hour, we finally saw the doctor. (for my records, P weighed 31.5)

This was her conclusion:  The fall down the stairs resulted in a mild concussion.  The second fall at church intensified it.  She did notice him drifting in and out of "space."  She assured me he was fine but wanted a CAT Scan done just for all of our piece of mind.  So, they scheduled it.  In the meantime, she told me he is on strict "lay low" for the next 2 weeks.  No jumping, no bikes, no anything that could cause him to hit his head.  This is very important.

Side note of that appointment:  We didn't see our regular doctor.  This doctor was fabulous as well though.  She was totally amazed at Phoenix and his ability to communicate with her.  She said, and I quote (after asking him how old he is), "Holy Smokes!"  She said by listening to him she would've guessed he was 5!!!  She also joked that she was waiting on him to start spitting out medical terminology regarding his head injury.  This made my heart happy and definitely brought a smile to my face.

We left and headed to Children's South.  Thankfully, both kids were being super cooperative.  My dad was able to meet us up there to keep Luna while I went back with Phoenix.  Jason came as well.  I knew he wouldn't miss being there for his son.

They explained to Phoenix what was going to happen.  He followed directions perfectly.  Not once did he try moving.  I was soo super proud of him.  It was super important, because if he refused to lay still they would have had to sedate him.  We did not want that to happen.

Thankful to God for a well mannered child who listens to directions.

At quick glance, the Scan looked great.  The doctor called later and said everything was normal but to be very cautious over the next few weeks.  She also said if he didn't seem more like himself in the next day or so to call her back.

Other than waking up with a very bloody nose this morning, he seems much better.  He has been super clumsy the last few days, so we are really trying to keep him calm.  I'm not sure if he is falling soo much because of his fall or because he might be growing, but either way-its going to be a long 2 weeks.

Jason and I are just glad we know he is okay.  We are glad to have our piece of mind back.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Thank You Kind Lady

Thank you to the lady in the white Land Cruiser (I'm almost sure thats what kind of car it was) that was next to me at a stop light in Cahaba Heights yesterday, well Wednesday now.

You're timing was impeccable!

I knew I looked rough.  However, I didn't realize just how obvious the "rough" was.  Not until this kind lady talking on her cell phone glanced over and pointed it out to me.

Again, thank you kind lady.

I had my the palms of my hands covering my eyes.  My head was killing me.  I mean, nothing I had tried even remotely touched the pain.  It was a migraine from Hell.  Phoenix had just fallen asleep and Luna was back there screaming like a war was about to start.  Top of her lungs, crocodile tears, the whole nine yards.

I just sat there.  Hands covering my eyes.  Praying for her to stop screaming and for Phoenix to stay sleeping.

While still talking on her phone, I noticed her mouthing something to me.  "Great, I must've left something on my car.  Oh crap, my car is about  to explode."  Any and all bad scenarios starting flooding my mind.

I finally braced myself enough to read her lips.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and tried my best to smile.  Holding back the tears.

I glanced back over at her, thinking the thoughts running thru her mind had to do with how my poor kids are stuck with this wacko mother.

Her light just changed to green.  Before she pulled away, she pointed.  Still on her phone.

I was totally lost.  I looked up towards the Summit.  Nothing there.  Looked back at her confused.

She continued pointing and as she started pulling away, made the sign of the cross, while mouthing to me, "your cross."

Ah.  It hit me.  She was telling me to pray.  She was reminding me exactly what I needed.

It was that simple, yet that obscure to me.

I did just that.  I prayed.  Not for Luna to stop screaming.  Not for P to stay sleeping.  Not for my migraine to go away.  Not for my sanity.

Instead I prayed to God to continue Blessing me with my kids screams, their messed up schedules, and our ability to go with the flow.  I prayed for continuance with the success of our company so that I can spend the next years with my Babies, every last scream, every last tear.  Every last Everything.

I prayed a big thanks to God for sending that lady next to me.  Showing me EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED.

I still had a migraine.  Luna was still screaming with no end in sight.  And Phoenix was still sleeping ever so soundly next to her.

But somehow I knew everything was going to be okay.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

There's a First Time for Everything...

And yesterday was just one of those days.

A lot of firsts for Luna.

First swing.

First trampoline experience.

First "car ride."

First see-saw.

Phoenix had a few too.

First big boy swinging. Like, really swinging.

First taste of crab legs at dinner.  He loved them.  I swear he ate more than I did :)

Dada got home early so we took advantage of the sun!  Oh how I love our backyard.

Mama even got in on the action :)  No laughing please!!!!

So much fun, its electrifying!!!

Look, a bird!

Hold on to your hats!

"Giddy, up Partner."

Sweet, sweet baby face!!!